09 August 2012

August 9, 23 Days Post Surgery

 This is actually from yesterday (the 8th). Everything looks normal from outward appearances. I will soon post some side by side before and after shots. I am still a bit swollen on my right side, but nothing anyone can really see. My right side is still numb and so are my top lip, top teeth, and palette. I have pulled a few of my stitches out; the doc said they should all come out by the 3rd week. However, my lip still has more dealing to do, and that stitch is not quite ready to depart. The orthodontist said everything looked really good, my bite has now closed-apparently it was a bit open last week, but he was pleased with how it looked yesterday. I was also permitted to go from 24/7 rubber bands, to after dinner through next morning. This has reduced my pain level quite a bit. Now, the worst pain is at least after work.

The surgeon says to continue no chewing through Aug 28, and a "more normal" diet as of Sept. 16. After Aug 28 I can have things such as pasta, eggs, ?? Being on a liquid diet is very challenging and makes it really hard to work. It is quite a task to keep up the energy level I need to function at work; therefore, this first week back has largely consisted of half-3/4 days. I worked all day yesterday, and was thoroughly exhausted today. But, I do feel much stronger each and every day! Yay!!

It was suggested to me that I try chia seeds, as they expand in your stomach to make you feel full, and are full of omega-3 fatty acids. As soon as I make it to the health food store, I plan to snatch up some of these little goodies and give them a try.

Only 7 days until Edisto, South Carolina!! Cannot wait. Sunshine, heat, humidity-here I come!

04 August 2012

August 4, 18 Days Post Surgery

Eighteen days away and I am doing well. As you can see the right side is still a bit swollen; however, I am feeling pretty good. The rubber bands I have to wear are not pleasant at all, and I am usually in a lot of pain first thing in the morning from wearing them all night, and also sleeping (accidentally) on my side. I am still taking ibuprofen pretty regularly; I just cannot bear the pain without it yet. 

At least I have felt like working outside this past week. I am redoing a hutch my friend Kelly gave me! I am painting the inside red and the outside white, and will also distress it a bit afterwards to give it that antique look. I usually can only paint 2-3 hours a day, and then I am pooped, but I have accomplished a lot! Here is a BEFORE photo of the hutch:

Sorry for the poor quality of my iphone pics. It is not the latest and greatest! 

I go back to work Monday. Not too thrilled about it, but I must do it! I am concerned about having the stamina and energy I will need to keep up and not make mistakes! We'll see what happens! 

I go back to the orthodontist on Monday and I really hope he tells me I do not have to wear the bands, but I know that is just not going to happen. My teeth are not in correct alignment yet, so the bands will probably be an extension of me for quite some time unfortunately. 

On a brighter note, our trip to Edisto is coming right up and I am really excited! I cannot wait to be in the hot humidity and bake in the glory of the beaming rays of the sun. Not to mention I will get to see my family for the first time in a year! I really think it is time we headed back down south for good!


28 July 2012

Saturday, July 28th, 11 Days Post Surgery

Looking a little more like my old self but not quite. I'm still a little puffy. A couple of things have happened. First, one of my rubber bands (I had two that were essentially holding my jaws in place) broke this morning, so I took the other one off, which was a process, given my stitches and sore lip. As a result I probably opened my mouth a little farther today than normal, and mouth opened wider equals PAIN. I have so much pressure right now in my face! I didn't call the surgeon because I will see the orthodontist on Monday, and he can figure it out. The surgeon said the bands would come off after about a week anyway.

Second, I tried to venture out of the house today. Mario said I really needed to get out. So, I kept it local, and went into town to the local bookstore, and then to the grocery store to pick up things I can actually eat. Which by the way, I purchased some Annie's macaroni and cheese and then pureed it with a piece of chicken....wow. It looked gross, but tasted fantastic!!! I added lots of milk, and some ricotta cheese (tricks I read about making food palatable and more calorie filled after jaw surgery). Needless to say, when I got home, I was pooped and in a lot of pain. So, I ate, and went to bed for three hours. I feel a little better now, but I have some killer pain in my right jaw joint, along with the pressure feeling. I may have to retire back to bed sooner rather than later with my nightly oxycontin!

Of course before I head back to bed, I will probably have an ensure with a pureed banana. I know I am not getting the surgeon's recommended 70-75 grams of protein, and I am fairly certain I am getting no where near the 2000 calorie intake I was instructed to obtain. Oh well. A girl can only do so much!

26 July 2012

Thursday, July 26, 9 Days Post Surgery

Here is a little shot I took after my shower last evening:
And here is how I am holding up today:

 I tried to perch myself in front of my flowers sent by my girls and orthodontists' office. Once again, I look possessed or something. But, the big news of the day is that I called the doc b/c I am running low on oxycodone. He seemed a little shocked that I had been taking them every 4 hours since I left the hospital. Well, that is what I was instructed to do, and I didn't dare take a risk with the pain. Now, he tells me not to take any oxycodone today, just ibuprofen, and to maybe take oxy before bed. This might prove for an interesting day, but I am hoping that I will be pleasantly surprised and not in too much pain!

I think the swelling is going away quite nicely, but I definitely look different. I look pretty good from the outside, but the area under my lip where the stitches reside still looks pretty gross. And, I always had this habit of popping my ears before my surgery to be able to hear better-maybe from where things weren't lined up properly or something. Now, I cannot pop my ears, so I am a bit hearing challenged, and I have a lot of pressure in my ears. 

On to the day without major pain meds.

25 July 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 8 Days Post Surgery

 The iphone pics are a little distorted once I enlarge them, but it will have to do! This is my first attempt at smiling. I also decided to try some mascara today, because I still am not really looking like myself. I think it's time I start really adjusting to the new "look."

Too tired to do much today. Yesterday in the flower garden wore me out. My legs are a little like jello today.

My profile....very very different. You can see a little of the bruising at the bottom. Still pretty swollen, and I have read that even when the external swelling goes away, my inner tissue will still be quite swollen for even 6 mos-1 yr later. 

As you can see, the swelling is going down, slowly but surely.

Tuesday, July 24, 7 Days Post Surgery

Please excuse the frightened or stoned look in most of my photos. I cannot smile so I look possessed or something. Tuesday I was a little ambitious. It was a gorgeous day, I ate oatmeal for breakfast, which was very fulfilling, and Doby (the dog) needed some significant outdoors time. So, I ventured in to my flower garden and began cutting down what I didn't like along with the weeds. This was actually pretty wonderful in that made my nose cleanse itself (I will spare you the details). You just don't know how good it feels to breathe through your nose until you cannot. I probably over did it in the flower garden, and I was super super tired last evening, but the physical activity felt wonderful.

This is a pretty good shot of the bruising-on both sides at the bottom.

Monday, July 23

Monday was pretty tiring. It's difficult to see in my iphone pic but I do have bruising on the lower part of my jowls. It was pretty hot on Monday, too. Still plugging along with my ensure, soups (of which I received a few different ones from my wonderful and thoughtful friends Val and Bonnie and my Mom sent me the best gourmet clam chowder which has been wonderful), smoothies, and mashed potatoes. I actually ate mashed potatoes yesterday with ketchup. That is how much I miss french fries!

Sunday, July 22

Once home and reacquainted with my house, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Mario has been great, even waking up with me every few hours at night to take my meds, just to tell me "good job." I am much more independent than I thought I would be. I have to be careful with bending over, and getting over tired, but I can do things for myself. Mario still prepared my meals for me over the weekend, and made runs to Shaws for things like bananas for a smoothie! He has been wonderful! 

I do still have to sleep with my head propped up and only on my back. Not the most comfortable or restful situation, but not as bad as I had imagined!